Responsible Owner: Associate Vice President, Financial Aid
I. Introduction
A. This policy has been developed in accordance with federal financial aid statutes and regulations governing student eligibility. Students who receive financial aid must demonstrate financial need and meet the standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as determined by University of Maryland Global Campus pursuant to federal law.
B. Financial aid recipients are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress toward their degree requirements while they are enrolled at UMGC. In addition to meeting the academic standards outlined in UMGC Policy 158.00 Academic Standing Status for Undergraduate Students, financial aid recipients are required to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards outlined in this policy.
C. Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid recipients enrolled in degree programs, as described below, is evaluated annually at the conclusion of the spring term, or at the time of application for financial aid, whichever is later. For students enrolled in eligible programs of one academic year or less, SAP is evaluated at the conclusion of each term.
D. Federal regulations require that UMGC track the academic progress of financial aid recipients from the first date of enrollment in their undergraduate program at UMGC, whether or not financial aid was received.
E. Students who have graduated from one undergraduate program at UMGC will have their record reset by the Registrar's Office. The courses from the first program will not be used to determine the SAP status under the new program of study.
II. Impacts of Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
A. Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, as described Section III, will result in the cancellation of financial aid awards, and the student may have to repay any funds already received.
1. Students who are granted a Request for Exception under UMGC Withdrawal and Refund Policies, and wish to have their Satisfactory Academic Progress reevaluated will receive a reevaluation at the end of the current term, upon request.
2. Readmission to the undergraduate program does not guarantee reinstatement of federal student financial aid. Students who are reinstated to the undergraduate program, but are still not meeting SAP standards, will have to submit a SAP appeal if seeking to regain eligibility for federal student financial aid.
III. Minimum Standards for Undergraduate Students
A. Satisfactory Academic Progress is assessed annually based on two standards: a qualitative standard (cumulative GPA) and a quantitative standard (completion rate and maximum timeframe to completion).
1. Qualitative standard: Cumulative GPA - Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. GPA is calculated based on the standards outlined in UMGC Policy 205.06 Calculation of Grade-Point Average (GPA) for Inclusion on Transcripts.
2. Quantitative standard: Completion Rate and Maximum Timeframe to Completion
A. Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of 67 percent as measured by comparing the total completed credits to total attempted credits. For example, a student who has 45 cumulative attempted credits must have at least 30 cumulative completed credits. Note: UMGC follows standard rounding rules for completion rate.
B. Undergraduate students must also complete their educational program within a timeframe of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the educational program, as measured by attempted credits. For example, a student must complete all graduation requirements within the maximum timeframe of 180 credits for a 120-credit program.
C. Courses included in both attempted and completed coursework:
1. Letter grades A, B, C and D
2. Satisfactory (S) and Passing (P) grades
3. Transfer credits including credits in other undergraduate programs at UMGC
D. Courses included in attempted coursework but excluded from completed coursework:
1. Course withdrawals (W)
2. Failure (F) and Failure for Nonattendance (FN) grades
3. Unsatisfactory (U) grades
4. Incomplete (I) and (IP) grades
5. Grade pending (G) or no grade*
*It is the student's responsibility to notify Financial Aid and request a SAP re-evaluation for prior academic year grade changes that occur after the annual SAP evaluation. Otherwise, any grade changes will be accounted for in the next annual SAP evaluation.
E. Courses excluded from both attempted and completed coursework:
1. Audit (AU) grades
F. Treatment of Preliminary and Repeat Coursework:
1. Repeat Coursework is included in attempted coursework each time the course is attempted. When a course that was previously passed is repeated, the course will only count as completed coursework once.
2. Preliminary Coursework is included in the Satisfactory Academic Progress assessment and will impact both completion rate and maximum timeframe to completion.
IV. Financial Aid Denied Status
A. Undergraduate students who fail to maintain one or more of the following criteria will be placed on Financial Aid Denied Status:
1. minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
2. minimum completion rate of 67 percent
3. completion of a program within a timeframe of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the educational program
4 completed all program requirement without a degree conferral
B. Students placed on Financial Aid Denied status lose eligibility for financial aid for future enrollment and aid will not be awarded/disbursed.
C. Students who are placed on Financial Aid Denied status will be notified by e-mail.
V. Reinstatement of Aid After Financial Aid Denied Status:
A. Reinstatement of financial aid after a student is placed on Financial Aid Denied Status is achieved in one of the following ways:
1. The student submits an appeal that is reviewed and approved by the Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee. When an appeal is approved, the student is placed on financial aid probation for the next term of enrollment. The student will be eligible to receive aid during the probationary term as long as all other financial aid eligibility requirements are met. At the end of the probationary term, the SAP status will be re-evaluated. The student must meet all SAP requirements at the end of the term, or the student SAP status will return to Financial Aid Denied status and must re-establish eligibility as described in the next point.
2. The student attends UMGC, without financial aid assistance, and performs academically to meet all the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
VI. Appeal Process
A. The student must submit to the Financial Aid Office a written appeal of Financial Aid Denied status. An appeal should be submitted as soon as possible, and priority is given to students who submit all required documentation within 3 weeks of receipt of SAP denial notice. The appeal must include documentation of the circumstance that led to the student not meeting SAP standards as well as an explanation of how he/she will be able to meet SAP by the end of the next term. Circumstances which may be considered include the death of a family member, unexpected injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances as supported with documentation. Students seeking SAP re-evaluation for prior academic year grade change or academic performance can also complete the SAP appeal process.
B. Appeals will not be considered unless the student will be able to meet all of the SAP standards within one term of enrollment.
C. The Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee will review the appeal and notify the student of their decision by e-mail.
D. All decisions made by the Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee are final and cannot be overturned.
E. Students who fail to enroll after an appeal has been granted may be placed on Financial Aid Denied status again and may be required to submit a new appeal before they will be eligible to receive financial aid.
Responsible Owner: Associate Vice President, Financial Aid
I. Introduction
A. This policy has been developed in accordance with federal financial aid statutes and regulations governing student eligibility. Students who receive financial aid must demonstrate financial need and meet the standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as determined by University of Maryland Global Campus pursuant to federal law.
B. Financial aid recipients are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress toward their degree requirements while they are enrolled at UMGC. In addition to meeting the academic standards outlined in UMGC Policy 158.00 Undergraduate Academic Levels of Progress, financial aid recipients are required to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards outlined in this policy.
C. Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid recipients enrolled in degree programs, as described below, is evaluated annually at the conclusion of the spring term, or at the time of application for financial aid, whichever is later. For students enrolled in eligible programs of one academic year or less, SAP is evaluated at the conclusion of each term.
D. Federal regulations require that UMGC track the academic progress of financial aid recipients from the first date of enrollment in their undergraduate program at UMGC, whether or not financial aid was received.
E. Students who have graduated from one undergraduate program at UMGC will have their record reset by the Registrar's Office. The courses from the first program will not be used to determine the SAP status under the new program of study.
II. Impacts of Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
A. Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, as described Section III, will result in the cancellation of financial aid awards, and the student may have to repay any funds already received.
1. Students who are granted a Request for Exception under UMGC Withdrawal and Refund Policies, and wish to have their Satisfactory Academic Progress reevaluated will receive a reevaluation at the end of the current term, upon request.
2. Readmission to the undergraduate program does not guarantee reinstatement of federal student financial aid. Students who are reinstated to the undergraduate program, but are still not meeting SAP standards, will have to submit a SAP appeal if seeking to regain eligibility for federal student financial aid.
III. Minimum Standards for Undergraduate Students
A. Satisfactory Academic Progress is assessed annually based on two standards: a qualitative standard (cumulative GPA) and a quantitative standard (completion rate and maximum timeframe to completion).
1. Qualitative standard: Cumulative GPA - Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. GPA is calculated based on the standards outlined in UMGC Policy 205.06 Calculation of Grade-Point Average (GPA) for Inclusion on Transcripts.
2. Quantitative standard: Completion Rate and Maximum Timeframe to Completion
A. Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of 67 percent as measured by comparing the total completed credits to total attempted credits. For example, a student who has 45 cumulative attempted credits must have at least 31 cumulative completed credits. Note: UMGC follows standard rounding rules for completion rate.
B. Undergraduate students must also complete their educational program within a timeframe of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the educational program, as measured by attempted credits. For example, a student must complete his or her program before attempting a maximum of 180 credits for a 120 credit program.
C. Courses included in both attempted and completed coursework:
1. Letter grades A, B, C and D
2. Satisfactory (S) and Passing (P) grades
3. Transfer credits
D. Courses included in attempted coursework but excluded from completed coursework:
1. Course withdrawals (W)
2. Failure (F) and Failure for Nonattendance (FN) grades
3. Unsatisfactory (U) grades
4. Incomplete (I) and (IP) grades
5. Grade pending (G) or no grade*
*It is the student's responsibility to notify Financial Aid and request a SAP re-evaluation if grade changes occur after the initial SAP evaluation.
E. Courses excluded from both attempted and completed coursework:
1. Audit (AU) grades
F. Treatment of Preliminary and Repeat Coursework:
1. Repeat Coursework is included in attempted coursework each time the course is attempted. When a course that was previously passed is repeated, the course will only count as completed coursework once.
2. Preliminary Coursework is included in the Satisfactory Academic Progress assessment and will impact both completion rate and maximum timeframe to completion.
IV. Financial Aid Denied Status
A. Undergraduate students who fail to maintain one or more of the following criteria will be placed on Financial Aid Denied Status:
1. minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
2. minimum completion rate of 67 percent
3. completion of a program within a timeframe of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the educational program
B. Students placed on Financial Aid Denied status lose eligibility for financial aid for future enrollment and aid will not be awarded/disbursed.
C. Students who are placed on Financial Aid Denied status will be notified by e-mail.
V. Reinstatement of Aid After Financial Aid Denied Status:
A. Reinstatement of financial aid after a student is placed on Financial Aid Denied Status is achieved in one of the following ways:
1. The student submits an appeal that is reviewed and approved by the Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee. When an appeal is approved, the student is placed on financial aid probation for the next term of enrollment. The student will be eligible to receive aid during the probationary term. At the end of the probationary term, the SAP status will be re-evaluated. The student must meet all SAP requirements at the end of the term or he/she will return to Financial Aid Denied status and must re-establish eligibility as described in the next point.
2. The student attends UMGC, pays for tuition and fees without the help of financial aid, and does well enough in the coursework to satisfy all the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
VI. Appeal Process
A. The student must submit to the Financial Aid Office a written appeal of Financial Aid Denied status. An appeal should be submitted as soon as possible, and priority it given to students who submit all required documentation within 3 weeks of receipt of SAP denial notice. The appeal must include documentation of the circumstance that led to the student not meeting SAP standards as well as an explanation of how he/she will be able to meet SAP by the end of the next term. Circumstances which may be considered include the death of a family member, unexpected injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances as supported with documentation.
B. Appeals will not be considered unless the student will be able to meet all of the SAP standards within one term of enrollment.
C. The Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee will review the appeal and notify the student of their decision by e-mail.
D. All decisions made by the Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee are final and cannot be overturned.
E. Students who fail to enroll after an appeal has been granted may be placed on Financial Aid Denied status again and may be required to submit a new appeal before they will be eligible to receive financial aid.
Responsible Owner: Associate Vice President, Financial Aid
I. Introduction
A. This policy has been developed in accordance with federal financial aid statutes and regulations governing student eligibility. Students who receive financial aid must demonstrate financial need and meet the standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as determined by University of Maryland Global Campus pursuant to federal law.
B. Financial aid recipients are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress toward their degree requirements while they are enrolled at UMGC. In addition to meeting the academic standards outlined in UMGC Policy 158.00 Academic Standing Status for Undergraduate Students, financial aid recipients are required to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards outlined in this policy.
C. Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid recipients enrolled in degree programs, as described below, is evaluated annually at the conclusion of the spring term, or at the time of application for financial aid, whichever is later. For students enrolled in eligible programs of one academic year or less, SAP is evaluated at the conclusion of each term.
D. Federal regulations require that UMGC track the academic progress of financial aid recipients from the first date of enrollment in their undergraduate program at UMGC, whether or not financial aid was received.
E. Students who have graduated from one undergraduate program at UMGC will have their record reset by the Registrar's Office. The courses from the first program will not be used to determine the SAP status under the new program of study.
II. Impacts of Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
A. Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, as described Section III, will result in the cancellation of financial aid awards, and the student may have to repay any funds already received.
1. Students who are granted a Request for Exception under UMGC Withdrawal and Refund Policies, and wish to have their Satisfactory Academic Progress reevaluated will receive a reevaluation at the end of the current term, upon request.
2. Readmission to the undergraduate program does not guarantee reinstatement of federal student financial aid. Students who are reinstated to the undergraduate program, but are still not meeting SAP standards, will have to submit a SAP appeal if seeking to regain eligibility for federal student financial aid.
III. Minimum Standards for Undergraduate Students
A. Satisfactory Academic Progress is assessed annually based on two standards: a qualitative standard (cumulative GPA) and a quantitative standard (completion rate and maximum timeframe to completion).
1. Qualitative standard: Cumulative GPA - Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. GPA is calculated based on the standards outlined in UMGC Policy 205.06 Calculation of Grade-Point Average (GPA) for Inclusion on Transcripts.
2. Quantitative standard: Completion Rate and Maximum Timeframe to Completion
A. Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of 67 percent as measured by comparing the total completed credits to total attempted credits. For example, a student who has 45 cumulative attempted credits must have at least 30 cumulative completed credits. Note: UMGC follows standard rounding rules for completion rate.
B. Undergraduate students must also complete their educational program within a timeframe of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the educational program, as measured by attempted credits. For example, a student must complete all graduation requirements within the maximum timeframe of 180 credits for a 120-credit program.
C. Courses included in both attempted and completed coursework:
1. Letter grades A, B, C and D
2. Satisfactory (S) and Passing (P) grades
3. Transfer credits including credits in other undergraduate programs at UMGC
D. Courses included in attempted coursework but excluded from completed coursework:
1. Course withdrawals (W)
2. Failure (F) and Failure for Nonattendance (FN) grades
3. Unsatisfactory (U) grades
4. Incomplete (I) and (IP) grades
5. Grade pending (G) or no grade*
*It is the student's responsibility to notify Financial Aid and request a SAP re-evaluation for prior academic year grade changes that occur after the annual SAP evaluation. Otherwise, any grade changes will be accounted for in the next annual SAP evaluation.
E. Courses excluded from both attempted and completed coursework:
1. Audit (AU) grades
F. Treatment of Preliminary and Repeat Coursework:
1. Repeat Coursework is included in attempted coursework each time the course is attempted. When a course that was previously passed is repeated, the course will only count as completed coursework once.
2. Preliminary Coursework is included in the Satisfactory Academic Progress assessment and will impact both completion rate and maximum timeframe to completion.
IV. Financial Aid Denied Status
A. Undergraduate students who fail to maintain one or more of the following criteria will be placed on Financial Aid Denied Status:
1. minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
2. minimum completion rate of 67 percent
3. completion of a program within a timeframe of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the educational program
4 completed all program requirement without a degree conferral
B. Students placed on Financial Aid Denied status lose eligibility for financial aid for future enrollment and aid will not be awarded/disbursed.
C. Students who are placed on Financial Aid Denied status will be notified by e-mail.
V. Reinstatement of Aid After Financial Aid Denied Status:
A. Reinstatement of financial aid after a student is placed on Financial Aid Denied Status is achieved in one of the following ways:
1. The student submits an appeal that is reviewed and approved by the Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee. When an appeal is approved, the student is placed on financial aid probation for the next term of enrollment. The student will be eligible to receive aid during the probationary term as long as all other financial aid eligibility requirements are met. At the end of the probationary term, the SAP status will be re-evaluated. The student must meet all SAP requirements at the end of the term, or the student SAP status will return to Financial Aid Denied status and must re-establish eligibility as described in the next point.
2. The student attends UMGC, without financial aid assistance, and performs academically to meet all the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
VI. Appeal Process
A. The student must submit to the Financial Aid Office a written appeal of Financial Aid Denied status. An appeal should be submitted as soon as possible, and priority is given to students who submit all required documentation within 3 weeks of receipt of SAP denial notice. The appeal must include documentation of the circumstance that led to the student not meeting SAP standards as well as an explanation of how he/she will be able to meet SAP by the end of the next term. Circumstances which may be considered include the death of a family member, unexpected injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances as supported with documentation. Students seeking SAP re-evaluation for prior academic year grade change or academic performance can also complete the SAP appeal process.
B. Appeals will not be considered unless the student will be able to meet all of the SAP standards within one term of enrollment.
C. The Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee will review the appeal and notify the student of their decision by e-mail.
D. All decisions made by the Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee are final and cannot be overturned.
E. Students who fail to enroll after an appeal has been granted may be placed on Financial Aid Denied status again and may be required to submit a new appeal before they will be eligible to receive financial aid.
Responsible Owner: Associate Vice President, Financial Aid
I. Introduction
A. This policy has been developed in accordance with federal financial aid statutes and regulations governing student eligibility. Students who receive financial aid must demonstrate financial need and meet the standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as determined by University of Maryland Global Campus pursuant to federal law.
B. Financial aid recipients are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress toward their degree requirements while they are enrolled at UMGC. In addition to meeting the academic standards outlined in UMGC Policy 158.00 Undergraduate Academic Levels of Progress, financial aid recipients are required to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards outlined in this policy.
C. Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid recipients enrolled in degree programs, as described below, is evaluated annually at the conclusion of the spring term, or at the time of application for financial aid, whichever is later. For students enrolled in eligible programs of one academic year or less, SAP is evaluated at the conclusion of each term.
D. Federal regulations require that UMGC track the academic progress of financial aid recipients from the first date of enrollment in their undergraduate program at UMGC, whether or not financial aid was received.
E. Students who have graduated from one undergraduate program at UMGC will have their record reset by the Registrar's Office. The courses from the first program will not be used to determine the SAP status under the new program of study.
II. Impacts of Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
A. Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, as described Section III, will result in the cancellation of financial aid awards, and the student may have to repay any funds already received.
1. Students who are granted a Request for Exception under UMGC Withdrawal and Refund Policies, and wish to have their Satisfactory Academic Progress reevaluated will receive a reevaluation at the end of the current term, upon request.
2. Readmission to the undergraduate program does not guarantee reinstatement of federal student financial aid. Students who are reinstated to the undergraduate program, but are still not meeting SAP standards, will have to submit a SAP appeal if seeking to regain eligibility for federal student financial aid.
III. Minimum Standards for Undergraduate Students
A. Satisfactory Academic Progress is assessed annually based on two standards: a qualitative standard (cumulative GPA) and a quantitative standard (completion rate and maximum timeframe to completion).
1. Qualitative standard: Cumulative GPA - Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. GPA is calculated based on the standards outlined in UMGC Policy 205.06 Calculation of Grade-Point Average (GPA) for Inclusion on Transcripts.
2. Quantitative standard: Completion Rate and Maximum Timeframe to Completion
A. Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of 67 percent as measured by comparing the total completed credits to total attempted credits. For example, a student who has 45 cumulative attempted credits must have at least 31 cumulative completed credits. Note: UMGC follows standard rounding rules for completion rate.
B. Undergraduate students must also complete their educational program within a timeframe of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the educational program, as measured by attempted credits. For example, a student must complete his or her program before attempting a maximum of 180 credits for a 120 credit program.
C. Courses included in both attempted and completed coursework:
1. Letter grades A, B, C and D
2. Satisfactory (S) and Passing (P) grades
3. Transfer credits
D. Courses included in attempted coursework but excluded from completed coursework:
1. Course withdrawals (W)
2. Failure (F) and Failure for Nonattendance (FN) grades
3. Unsatisfactory (U) grades
4. Incomplete (I) and (IP) grades
5. Grade pending (G) or no grade*
*It is the student's responsibility to notify Financial Aid and request a SAP re-evaluation if grade changes occur after the initial SAP evaluation.
E. Courses excluded from both attempted and completed coursework:
1. Audit (AU) grades
F. Treatment of Preliminary and Repeat Coursework:
1. Repeat Coursework is included in attempted coursework each time the course is attempted. When a course that was previously passed is repeated, the course will only count as completed coursework once.
2. Preliminary Coursework is included in the Satisfactory Academic Progress assessment and will impact both completion rate and maximum timeframe to completion.
IV. Financial Aid Denied Status
A. Undergraduate students who fail to maintain one or more of the following criteria will be placed on Financial Aid Denied Status:
1. minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
2. minimum completion rate of 67 percent
3. completion of a program within a timeframe of no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the educational program
B. Students placed on Financial Aid Denied status lose eligibility for financial aid for future enrollment and aid will not be awarded/disbursed.
C. Students who are placed on Financial Aid Denied status will be notified by e-mail.
V. Reinstatement of Aid After Financial Aid Denied Status:
A. Reinstatement of financial aid after a student is placed on Financial Aid Denied Status is achieved in one of the following ways:
1. The student submits an appeal that is reviewed and approved by the Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee. When an appeal is approved, the student is placed on financial aid probation for the next term of enrollment. The student will be eligible to receive aid during the probationary term. At the end of the probationary term, the SAP status will be re-evaluated. The student must meet all SAP requirements at the end of the term or he/she will return to Financial Aid Denied status and must re-establish eligibility as described in the next point.
2. The student attends UMGC, pays for tuition and fees without the help of financial aid, and does well enough in the coursework to satisfy all the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
VI. Appeal Process
A. The student must submit to the Financial Aid Office a written appeal of Financial Aid Denied status. An appeal should be submitted as soon as possible, and priority it given to students who submit all required documentation within 3 weeks of receipt of SAP denial notice. The appeal must include documentation of the circumstance that led to the student not meeting SAP standards as well as an explanation of how he/she will be able to meet SAP by the end of the next term. Circumstances which may be considered include the death of a family member, unexpected injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances as supported with documentation.
B. Appeals will not be considered unless the student will be able to meet all of the SAP standards within one term of enrollment.
C. The Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee will review the appeal and notify the student of their decision by e-mail.
D. All decisions made by the Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal committee are final and cannot be overturned.
E. Students who fail to enroll after an appeal has been granted may be placed on Financial Aid Denied status again and may be required to submit a new appeal before they will be eligible to receive financial aid.