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Policy 366.00

Signature Authority

Originator: Senior Vice President, Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Subject: UMGC Policy on Signature Authority

  1. Applicability

    This Policy applies to all contracts, procurements and other agreements, which may or will result in a contractual relationship between UMGC and another party. This Policy does not apply to human resources/employment contracts and associated agreements. If the employee is unsure whether the contract or agreement applies to the Policy, the employee should contact the Office of Legal Affairs before entering into discussions.

  2. Definitions

    1. "Business Owner(s)" – the employee position(s) at the University that may initiate consideration of an agreement for a particular type of agreement, as reflected in the applicable Contract Review and Maintenance Procedures.

    2. "Approver(s)" – the employee position(s) at the University that has the authority to determine whether to move forward with negotiation of an agreement and provide final approval of the terms of the agreement for a particular type of agreement, as reflected in the applicable Contract Review and Maintenance Procedures.

    3. "Reviewer(s)" – the department(s) at the University that is responsible for reviewing the terms of the agreement, negotiating the terms with the other party and receiving approval from the Approver(s) of the terms of the agreement for a particular type of agreement, as reflected in the applicable Contract Review and Maintenance Procedures.

    4. "Signatory" – the employee position(s) at the University that has the authority to sign an agreement for a particular type of agreement, as reflected Appendix A.

    5. "Custodian" – the department(s) at the University that is responsible for storing and maintaining the fully executed version of the agreement for a particular type of agreement, as reflected in the applicable Contract Review and Maintenance Procedures.

  3. Approval/Signature Authority

    1. The President has the authority to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements pursuant to Md. Ed. Code. Ann § 12-109 (d)(9).

    2. The President has delegated that authority in accordance with the attached Appendix A.

    3. Appendix A will be reviewed and revised annually and shall be maintained in the offices of the Senior Vice President, Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer and the Office of Legal Affairs.

    4. Contract review and maintenance will be conducted in accordance with the applicable Contract Review and Maintenance Procedures.

    5. An employee shall not sign any contract or other agreement without explicit Signature Authority under this Policy.

    6. Delegation of Authority

      1. A Business Owner, Approver, or Signatory may only delegate the authority to take action when the individual will be out of the office on leave, without a delegation by the President.

      2. To temporarily delegate authority while on leave, the Business Owner, Approver or Signatory must notify the Office of Legal Affairs in writing, including via email. Legal shall maintain any delegations of authority in its storage system.

      3. To delegate authority on a permanent basis, the Business Owner, Approver or Signatory must request an amendment to this Policy from the President.


 Current PolicyPrior Policy
Policy Number366.00366.00