The U.S. Naval Community College selected University of Maryland Global Campus as one of the Pilot II cybersecurity associate degree programs Feb. 11, 2022.
A mentor has the power to make a life-changing difference in someone else’s career. In recognition of National Mentoring Month, mentors in UMGC's alumni career mentors program share their insights.
The duo of University of Maryland Global Campus graduate student Cory Wilkerson and collaborator Stephen Brouillette, a University of Maryland, Baltimore County alumnus
Effort Includes Joint Statement, Video PSA and Stepped-Up Campus Advocacy Activities Baltimore, Md. (Feb. 3, 2021) – University System of Maryland (USM) Chancellor Jay A. Perman and presidents of the system’s 12 universities have joined together in a special promotional effort to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations across Maryland. This multimedia campaign—designed to dovetail with state activities...
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