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BDA Edcon to Help Educators from Around the World Infuse Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing into Teaching and Learning

WHAT: 7th Annual BDA Edcon International Big Data & Analytics Education Conference

Hosted by University of Maryland University College, the conference brings together academics, educators and industry partners to exchange knowledge and ideas to better prepare professionals for the workforce. Educators from around the globe will explore how the confluence of big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing can be implemented into their teaching and learning experiences today in order to meet industry demand.

BDA Edcon is a powerful channel for industry partners to provide input for their needs to educational institutions. The conference will include the final judging and presentation of the top three awards for the Global Analytics Competition (GAC).

In addition to big data analytics, AI, and cognitive computing, presentations will cover other areas of interest, including data literacy, ethical use of data, machine learning, and quantum computing as well as leveraging innovative data science in analytics education.

View the conference agenda HERE.

WHEN: June 3-4, 2019

WHERE: College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, Adelphi, Maryland


 Monday, June 3:

  • Keynote Address by David Cox, director of the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, on the “Present and Future of AI.”
  • Natalie Evans Harris, co-founder and head of strategic initiatives at Brighthive, Inc., will lead a session on “Ethical and Responsible Use of Data.”
 Tuesday, June 4:
  • Keynote Address by Kirk Borne, principal data scientist and executive advisor, Booz Allen Hamilton, on “Data Literacy for All.” 
  • Cortnie Abercrombie, founder, AI Truth, will lead a session on “Ethics of Good Intentions.”
